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1 Rookie


25 Posts


April 15th, 2023 20:00


XPS 9520, audio quality decreases

I have a 9520 and it is my third replacement unit. All units have had the same issue. If I am using a voce chat app like discord or zoom and try to play a game or play audio on any application like youtube, the audio quality decreases significantly like its coming through an old school radio. If I am using a head set and try to do the same thing mentioned above, the voice chat app will stop detecting my input and output until I reselect the input and output and in some cases this doesnt work either. as soon as i go back to the other application it stops detecting the input and output once again. This happens with any audio device I connect to the computer. I have gone through every possible resolution with the support assist people, but had no luck, they have replaced the laptop 3 times and every unit has the same problem. This makes me think it is software, but I have done a clean install of windows and uninstalled waves maxx audio pro and still the issue persists. All of my external devices have been tested on separate computers and work perfectly, I have also reproduced the issue with every audio device i plug in as well as the built in speakers/microphone. I really need a solution to this as it significantly impacts the useability of this product and I cannot afford to call this a loss and switch to mac as I have already spent the money here and it is not refundable. Please help.

1 Rookie


25 Posts

May 15th, 2023 19:00

They have decided to send me a XPS 9530. This is nice of them, but if I am correct in thinking this issue is due to a mistake in the design of the hardware components in the computer then I am expecting that this issue will also be present on the 9530 because they haven't changed much other than the CPU and GPU and I assume they are still using the same MOBO and WIFI/Bluetooth card. Ill definitely post an update once I receive the replacement. in the case that it is a software type issue then maybe they have figured it out, but in that case they should have come out with an update for the 9520 that would fix the issue but that has not been the case even though I worked with dell for 5 months to hopefully identify the root of the issue so they could create an update to fix it. Ill update once I know more.

1 Rookie


25 Posts

May 31st, 2023 15:00

No solution has been found for this issue yet. Some people have reported that waves Maxxaudio contributes to the problem. Dell has now sent me an XPS 9530 and it has the same issue. So that's 4 replacements now. I am going to do a clean install of windows again and hope that by not having all of the malware the computer ships with from Dell, that maybe it will help. I am not optimistic and feel like Dell isn't taking this issue seriously at all. They would rather send me replacement units then actually solve the problem and I have become very resistant to receiving replacements so they would be forced to try and solve the issue. All that happened is they admitted that they can reproduce this issue themselves and that they are not going to fix it. At that point they offered me the 9530, but of course it has the same issue.

as defined by Dell removed. Read the Forum Code of Conduct. DELL-Admin>

1 Rookie


11 Posts

May 31st, 2023 15:00

I am having a very similar (if not exactly the same) issue with my 9720. Did somebody manage to find a solution?

3 Posts

June 1st, 2023 12:00

I have several co-workers experiencing similar issues with their XPS 9520 systems. In the past week, three of them have "downgraded" from Windows 11 to Windows 10 (which requires a complete Windows re-install), and their issues have completely disappeared. It seems drastic, but given the level of grief the issue has caused you, I think it would be worth a try.

11 Posts

June 6th, 2023 04:00

Having the same issue as you described, and I am extremely frustrated.  I will be contacting Dell today as I NEED a resolution to this ASAP, the product not working as described is completely unacceptable. 

1 Message

June 11th, 2023 05:00

The Dell XPS 9520 is a laptop model, and without specific details about the audio problem you're experiencing, it is difficult to provide a short answer. However, here are a few general steps you can try to troubleshoot audio issues on your Dell XPS 9520: Check audio settings: Ensure that the volume is turned up and not muted both in the operating system settings and any audio control software provided by Dell. Update audio drivers: Visit the Dell support website, enter your laptop's service tag or select the XPS 9520 model, and download the latest audio drivers available for your operating system. Install the updated drivers and restart your laptop. Test with headphones or external speakers: Connect headphones or external speakers to your laptop to check if the audio problem persists.

1 Rookie


25 Posts

June 11th, 2023 10:00

Definitely have tried all of those things. I think it's mostly listed throughout this feed.

11 Posts

June 26th, 2023 10:00

Update:  Dell India support have insisted that because it is past the 30 day refund window, my company is stuck with the laptop. Even though it cannot maintain an audio input during meetings. Dell has attempted to troubleshoot the issue with me, spending over 15 hours of company time doing mundane and unrelated "fixes", that do not work. We have just gone past the OS reinstallation phase, and the audio issue resurfaced. I am so glad that this new laptop bought as a gift for an exemplary employee doesn't work out of the gate, and I need to sink time into it. I sure wish it was just one of the 40 other legacy laptops in our fleet (all different makes and models) that we roll out and collect on a yearly basis with no issue. Never in my life have I dealt with a reputable company that just washes their hands of a repeat customer after selling them faulty merchandise.  One positive to come out of this is that it sheds light on the current state of Dell, and no one involved in this process will EVER buy a product from them again.  I hope the weeks of troubleshooting I am currently experiencing and lost customers are worth it.

 as defined by Dell removed. Read the Forum Code of Conduct. DELL-Admin>

1 Rookie


13 Posts

June 27th, 2023 04:00

I have the exact same problem. I contacted DELL today and they just did simple troubleshooting steps like updating the audio driver, which has already been updated! In the end, they suggested re-installing Windows, but thanks to this topic, I can see it can not resolve the issue either. I cannot join online meetings or play games with my friends on Discord like a regular user! DELL had plenty of time to address the issue, but they did exactly nothing, and now they do not refund my money because I noticed the problem too late!

 as defined by Dell removed. Read the Forum Code of Conduct. DELL-Admin>

11 Posts

June 27th, 2023 04:00

I agree, the runaround forced upon the consumer to "fix" brand-new hardware is unacceptable. There is no end in sight to the "troubleshooting", and it is costing myself time, and my company money. I will also be contacting the Better Business Bureau today and filing a complaint.  

11 Posts

June 28th, 2023 07:00

Thanks for the input Nathalia, but saying a new system was sent is. According to the latest post by TStein, "Dell has now sent me an XPS 9530 and it has the same issue. So that's 4 replacements now."  The issue persists, the same as mine.

<Violations as defined by Dell removed. Read the Forum Code of Conduct. DELL-Admin>

11 Posts

June 28th, 2023 07:00

Nathalia, please post the information you refer to from 6/26 and the resolution to the issue so everyone else experiencing it can take the steps TStein allegedly took to resolve the issue.  I apologize if I missed a post, but according to his account activity, his last post included the information I provided. 

Community Manager


2.2K Posts

June 28th, 2023 07:00

His last post was on 6/11. The information I shared today is from 6/26.

11 Posts

June 28th, 2023 08:00

Further, thank you for disclosing that he was sent a new system after the 4 replacements. I am experiencing the same issue, and instead of being pushed through an endless support loop, I would like to be provided with an equivalent system from a different model line or a refund.  How can this happen without further delay? 

11 Posts

June 28th, 2023 11:00

Great, the thread has been marked as having a solution!  The 5th replacement was the charm, huh?  May I ask without being punched by a moderator a few serious questions to hopefully reach a resolution to this nightmare?
-What model was the system replaced with? 
-Why is this solution not given to other users experiencing the same issue? 
-Why the runaround, why is this issue not better documented and better addressed by Dell in response to these posts from upset customers? Be aware, this is an issue that is well documented within these forums, and on others.

Please try and understand the frustration behind my posts, I am not at all posting anything that is untrue or malicious. I come from a long history of customer support, and this process has been way less than satisfactory - if any company I have worked for sold a defective product to a customer we would bend over backward to rectify the situation and work relentlessly to leave them feeling good about the process. I suppose my frustration in part is due to my absolute disbelief in this whole process thus far. I was sold a product that does not work, and I worked with the support team for 15+ hours (as instructed) to fix it to no avail, and now I feel like I am being taken advantage of...this whole situation has a simple, quick, and easy road to closure, give me my money back. Making threats is not something that I want to do, or do lightly - but when dealing with a tech giant such as Dell and being led endlessly through time-sucking troubleshooting loops with no end in sight, there is really no other recourse. mind you, the machine is still under warranty, lol, so I really don't understand the white knuckle responses I have gotten at every turn to avoid giving a refund. Am I being unreasonable in that line of thought?

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