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September 30th, 2019 12:00

Wyse Vx0 (V30LE) windows CE 6.0 Pro


I need assistance on finding the latest firmware version for a few devices with the model Wyse Vx0 (V30LE), it seems to be an old model which is no longer supported by dell. Tried to download the software, and review the necessary documentation that describes the update process and was not able to find it, it seems like DELL removed all the data, and free downloads for this model.

My goal is to know if we're sitting in the latest version available, or how to get to the latest in case we don't. Any help/information on this matter is appreciated  


Winterm 3000 series
6.0 WYSE WFR5 hot fix 1( build 674)

Rev:1.19 / BL: 10.0


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