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October 14th, 2021 11:00

Wyse ThinOS 9.1 will not update config from WMS

We have quite a few ThinOS devices running 8.6+.  We recently bought some new ones that came with 9.1.2101. We have some configs setup that block access to certain system configurations on the device.  The device registers with WMS just fine.  I look in WMS and I can see the device in a particular group.  However, it  does not download the config to the device. I've tried pushing the config but that doesn't work.I've setup different groups and it always registers with that group but it does not pull down the config.  Anyone else have this problem?  Is it because I have 8.6+ settings as well as 9.x settings?

3 Apprentice


712 Posts

October 15th, 2021 04:00

ThinOS 8.x devices will look for a "ThinOS" policy, while ThinOS 9.x devices will look for a "ThinOS 9.x" policy.  If you are supporting devices with different operating systems in the same group in WMS, you will need to have a policy for each. 

The ThinOS migration guide covers this,

As ThinS 8.x has entered the long term support phase, and will no longer receive any updates or enhancements beyond critical security defects, it is wise to begin your migration to all 9.x


8 Posts

October 18th, 2021 06:00

We looked at our config and there were some *.X settings in the default device policy group.  So we removed those settings and applied them to the 8.X group and the 9's started getting their settings.

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