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7 Posts


March 9th, 2024 22:20

PowerEdge R630 RAID Expansion Error

First time poster and new to Server (about a year).
So for about a year I was running my R630 in a RAID0 with 2 1.2TB HHDs (slots 0 and 1) and running Windows Server. About 3 months ago I swapped out the 2 HDDs for a single 1TB SSD in RADI0 and switched to Linux. Everything has been working great. Now I'm trying to expand and reconfigure my RAID0 to add 2 more 1TB SSDs. SSDs are the exact same as the original and show in a "READY" state when I look under Physical Disks. I go to reconfigure my RAID0, add the 2 additional physical disks but after a while it comes back with a Error Message saying "The Virtual Disk cannot be reconfigured because one or more of the following reasons: Wrong RAID Level selected, Minimum number of Physical Disks required for the selected RAID level not present, Incorrect Physical Disk tyle selected." After that the 2 newly added Physical Disks are now in a failed state. I can go into the Physical disks and select to "configure to allow for RAID" and then they go back to a "Ready" state. I tried adding both to the original in a RAID 0, tried adding just one to the original, I even tried adding one and reconfiguring to a RAID5. Always the same result.  Any and all recommendations I could get would be greatly appreciated.



3.7K Posts

March 11th, 2024 01:43

Hello, thanks for choosing Dell and welcome to our community!

Let us know if the information below helps:


"Possible RAID Level Migrations"



March 12th, 2024 01:06

Thank you for your reply. This is the exact video I followed the first time but there is one step missing. After selecting the new physical disks to add, you click apply changes, confirm, and ok. That is where the video ends for the idrac bios. After that you have the additional option to Start Operation, which you need to do in order for it to actually reconfigure and add the new physical disks. It's at this point that I continuously get error messages. Or am I doing another step wrong I'm not tracking? I really do appreciate the assistance



3.7K Posts

March 12th, 2024 07:55

Hello can you show us a screenshot where you get the error?


March 12th, 2024 12:46

@DELL-Young E​ 

Of course. Last night I also got my remote idrac 8 connection working. Which even that way shows my 1 SSD online amd the other 2 ready. I did not get the chance to try to expand my raid thru that connection yet though. 

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3.7K Posts

March 13th, 2024 07:16

Hello, one more time, would you be able to show us some screenshot of the RAID Configuration? We would love to see the PD or the VD status.

March 14th, 2024 00:32

@DELL-Young E​  Here are a few pictures from my issues last weekend.  Here is my IDRAC showing my original SSD in an Online State and the 2 new SSDs as ready.

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This second photo shows one of the new SSDs failed after trying to add and reconfigure.

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These next two pictures show the Virtual Disk Management showing one SSD and the second showing the associated Physical Disks.

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Please let me know if any additional information will help. Thanks in advance.


March 14th, 2024 00:47

@DELL-Young E​ I now also have remote access to my IDRAC. Here is a picture of the Health and Properties of my three SSDs. Again with the first older one being online and the 2 newer ones in a ready state.

And here is a picture showing the Virtual Disk Status.



3.7K Posts

March 14th, 2024 07:10

Could you confirm one more time if you are using a Dell certified part? Also is your controller firmware up to date? The controller goes offine or it fails it seems like.

March 15th, 2024 01:52

Yes, everything in the server is all original Dell. Also, i did just notice I don't have the most current Firmware. Currently using instead of Will update at downtime tonight and try again tomorrow.


March 16th, 2024 01:19

@DELL-Young E​ Good evening. I updated the firmware however I'm still getting the failure when i try to add more physical disks to my current Virtual Disk in RAID0. Any additional guidance to get this working would be greatly appreciated. 



3.7K Posts

March 18th, 2024 01:41


Would you be able to take a screenshot of your activity step by step from top to toe?

Or what you can do is to ask for a remote session through here-


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