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February 21st, 2024 03:44

Dell PowerEdge T630 - Avago EFI SAS Drvier: Unhealthy Status reported by EFI driver

Hi there

I remove three drives blinking orange green and reinsert and when i turn on the server the OS cannot load. The message I am getting is found below:

I need help to get this fixed. 




3.2K Posts

February 21st, 2024 14:06

The error message you're encountering on your Dell PowerEdge T630 server, "Avago EFI SAS DRiver: Unhealthy Status," indicates potential issues with your storage configuration. Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and fix the problem:

1. Diagnose the Drive Issue:

  • Identify the Problem Drives: During removal and reinsertion, you mentioned three drives blinked orange and green. These are likely the problematic ones. Note their locations and model/serial numbers.
  • Run Diagnostics: Use the server's diagnostic tools to check the health of these drives. You can access them through BIOS, iDRAC interface, or dedicated RAID controller menus. Look for errors or failing disk indicators.
  • Consider Physical Issues: Physically damaged drives might not function properly even if reinserted correctly. Inspect the drives for any visible damage.

2. Address Driver Health:

  • Access Driver Health Menu: Press any key as prompted by the error message to enter the Driver Health Menu. This menu might provide more specific details about the driver issue.
  • Review the Information: Look for errors related to specific drives or RAID controller configuration.
  • Take Recommended Actions: If the menu suggests actions like updating firmware or rebuilding RAID, follow them carefully.

3. Check RAID Configuration:

  • Verify RAID Settings: If you're using a hardware RAID controller, access its configuration utility and ensure the RAID array is configured correctly and all drives are recognized.
  • Rebuild RAID (if necessary): If a drive has failed and the RAID is degraded, consider rebuilding the array with a healthy replacement drive. However, proceed with caution as data loss is possible.

4. Further Assistance:

  • Dell Support: If you're unsure about any steps or encounter further issues, contacting Dell Technical Support is recommended. They can provide detailed guidance and support for your specific server configuration.
  • Data Backup: Remember to have a recent backup of your data before performing any major changes, especially if data loss is a concern.

Additional Tips:

  • While troubleshooting, document your actions and any error messages you encounter.
  • If you're not comfortable with advanced server configurations, seek professional assistance to avoid further complications.

Hopefully, these steps help you diagnose and resolve the "Avago EFI SAS Drvier: Unhealthy Status" error. Remember to proceed cautiously and prioritize data safety throughout the process.

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