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1 Rookie


12 Posts


November 11th, 2023 20:31

SupportAssist auto update does not work

This SupportAssist version was installed 10/18/2023 and doesn't work on auto update. I keep getting:

"Unable to download. We're sorry, there's a network delay. Please check your internet connection and try again."

My network is fine. Very frustrating to see such nonsensical error messages. Also, the complete list of drivers is worse than it was before. Now you have to open each one to see when it was released. Before the release date was listed right up front. Why not just stay with the better display? I don't get it.

I uninstalled and reinstalled SupportAssist, but no luck. Still doesn't work right. Going to the complete list, downloading and installing drivers that way, works okay.

1 Rookie


12 Posts

November 12th, 2023 21:56

Uninstalled and reinstalled again, just now. Now the auto-update does work as it should. The complete list of drivers was still better before, but at least the system is working.

1 Rookie


12 Posts

November 14th, 2023 20:16

Well, wouldn't you know it, Dell fixed even the page showing all the drivers. Now all works well. Leaves me wondering if my uninstall and reinstall was really necessary or whether it was just a case of SupportAssist being updated by Dell in a series of steps.

1 Message

March 3rd, 2024 14:10

Tried the uninstall and reinstall. Still not updating drivers and say can connect to the internet despite downloading it from the internet. 

2 Posts

March 3rd, 2024 19:26

I recently received a message to download SupportAssist 4.0 and I tried it. I had various problems with 4.0, so I deleted it and reinstalled version Before updating to version 4.0, everything was working fine; now, however, I have the same problem as above. Even though my internet connection is working well, SupportAssist gives me the message "Unable to connect to the internet. Version:" whenever I search for updates.

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